With these smart biogas stoves we fight climate change while Improving health and quality of life for people living in rural uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra.
This climate project is Gold Standard-certified and through this project we have together prevented 32,688 tonnes of CO2e from entering the atmosphere!
The problem
The use of burning wood when boiling water and cooking food represents a big problem for many families and for the environment. It contributes to indoor pollution, causing severe health issues mainly among women and children, who are overwhelmingly responsible for running the household, and families have to walk up to 5 km to collect firewood and it is heavy on the families’ budget. The reliance on wood for cooking puts pressure on surrounding forests, leading to degraded lands and increased desertification.
How the project fights climate change
The digesters are fed with cow dung and organic kitchen waste to produce biogas, which is then piped to a thermal stove, providing thermal energy for cooking and boiling water, on demand. The biogas systems are long-lasting, easy to install and maintain, and do not cost money to run.
To date, this project has installed over 15,000 smart biogas systems to rural families across Uttar Pradesh & Maharashtra.
You can see the project at the Gold Standard-registry here: https://registry.goldstandard.org/projects/details/1097