CO2 Transparency


Conapto AB was launched on October 1, 2018 as a result of an acquisition of Sungard Availability Services’ Swedish operations. The company offers secure, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective colocation facilities for your physical hardware as well as market-leading access to the cloud.

Conapto works with GoClimate to take responsibility for the environmental friendliness of its offer in terms of its climate impact by: -- keeping track of the evolution of its carbon footprint, we identify the reduction actions that have been working and where others should be taken. -- financing climate projects to reduce the emissions that would go out into the atmosphere without them.

Through this page, we show a raw and clear view of where Conapto's climate work stands. You can see how it has been evolving and where it is going + what gaps still need filling to decouple more and more from carbon emissions.

Read more about how GoClimate's transparency page works here.

Climate Achievements

Ambitious targets
Conapto aims to reduce emissions in line with the 1.5 degree target of the Paris Agreement. See requirements
Reduced emissions
For 2023, Conapto reduced emissions by 160.99 tonnes (-15.18%) compared to the year before. See requirements
Financing climate projects
Conapto did not support climate projects according to the criteria for this achievement. See requirements

Emissionstonnes CO2e

The decrease in emissions is connected to a reduction in the set-up of the data centers. Fewer purchases of large equipment in 2023 than in 2022 drove the decrease accompanied by a smaller internal construction work done compared with 2022

Steps forward -- To guarantee a continuous supply to clients, Conapto uses backup generators in case something was to happen to the electricity provided by the grid. Efforts to use fuels with as low emissions as possible are applauded and it is encouraged to continue in the search for even less emitting sources that help guarantee constant supply. --Conapto is doing a great job by choosing green energy sources to power its data centers. Efforts should be kept to continue choosing them as new data centers develop to keep emissions to a minimum and support the transition towards less emitting energy sources

The emissions for 2023 can be compared to

2,767,886 hours by train
4,499 hours by plane
409,018 hamburgers
1,799,680 vegan burgers

Greenhouse Gas Protocol emissions

Scope 14.1%36.9
Scope 20.5%4.46
Scope 395.4%858.49
Scope 1 Direct emissions from assets owned or controlled by the company
Scope 2 Indirect emissions from purchased energy such as electricity or heating
Scope 3 Other indirect emissions upstream and downstream in the value chain


With 2022 as the base year, Conapto's climate targets are: -- For scopes 1 & 2 to have a 42% absolute reduction by 2030 - aligned with a 1.5 °C trajectory -- An intensity scope 3 target to reduce by 52,5% the share of emissions per kW capacity of the data halls by 2030

Climate actions

  • Replace petroleum diesel oil with biodiesel like HVO100 or GTL based EcoPar fuel in generators and vehicles where possible
  • Optimize energy usage to improve data enter efficiency and minimize the use of diesel fuels for generators
  • Purchase electricity from 100% renewable sources like wind, water and solar power
  • Explore possibilities to choose greener district heating
  • Choose public transportation like train instead of using cars and air travel
  • Choose vegetarian or vegan food
  • Choose IT-partners and cloud providers that use renewable energy
  • Recycle and reuse as much as possible
  • Encourage employees to use public transportation or cycle to and from work
  • Use the IT equipment as long as possible before tech refresh
  • Continue to work with energy efficiency in the data centers
© 2025 GoClimate Sweden AB