Climate financing

Climate financing, or Beyond Value Chain Mitigation, formerly known as carbon offsetting, is an effective way to take responsibility for the emissions we create.
Woman with a cooking stove

Last updated: 2024-05-06

Climate Financing or Beyond Value Chain Mitigation (formerly referred to as carbon offsetting) is an effective and crucial way to take responsibility for the emissions we create. The redefinition of the concept reflects the fact that it's not possible to “buy one's way out” of the consequences of emissions, but supporting climate projects rather help us contribute to a sustainable future. By financing projects that actively combat climate change, we can make a noticeable difference. By financing climate projects equivalent to the amount of greenhouse gases you or your company has produced, you take a tangible step towards a more sustainable world and contribute to systemic change. The funding goes to projects that effectively reduce carbon dioxide emissions and transition our energy production away from fossil fuels. This is crucial until we as a society can undergo the necessary shift away from a fossil fuel-dependent economy. In this context, financial support for well-selected and certified climate projects is one of the most effective methods to manage our collective emissions under the existing conditions, regulations, and frameworks. It is especially important for the wealthier parts of the world to not only reduce their own emissions but also to financially contribute to emission reduction and climate adaptation in lower-income countries. For a deeper understanding of the topic and to learn more about the concept of climate justice, read more here.

Do you already know what your company's climate footprint is? We offer climate financing in carefully selected certified climate projects. If you are not already aware of your emissions, we have services that can help you with that too!