Climate Policy

Establishing a climate policy doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming. It can be centered around a few simple guidelines to help employees in their everyday decisions, which ultimately contributes to reduced emissions and higher climate engagement in the team. We have listed some points to consider when developing your climate policy.
Someone writing on a paper in front of a computer

Last updated: 2024-04-25

1. Clear Goal Setting

For an effective climate policy, it is important to define clear goals and understand the behavioral changes required to achieve these goals. For example, if you want to change employees' eating or travel habits, it should be made easy to make the right choice. Offer extra vacation days to those who choose to take the train instead of flying, or serve only vegetarian food at company events.

2. Ensure Everyone is on Board

It is important that the climate policy is accepted by everyone within the organization. An effective way to increase engagement among employees who are hesitant is to offer training and inspirational lectures on the impact of climate change.

3. Highlight the Benefits of the Climate Policy

When designing the climate policy, try not to focus on what should be avoided. Instead, use positive phrasing that highlights the benefits of the new behaviors. Give regular and positive feedback to employees who demonstrate climate-smart behaviors. This increases motivation and the likelihood that these behaviors will continue. Recognition and appreciation are powerful tools to encourage desired actions. And make it easy to do the right thing!

4. Make the Climate Policy Clear and Easy to Understand

The climate policy should be so clear that there is no room for misunderstanding. It should be easy for everyone, regardless of prior knowledge and experience, to understand and follow the guidelines. Specify exactly which criteria apply for the selection of certain products or services, such as the type of office supplies or food to be used at company events.

5. Regular Monitoring

For the climate policy to be successful, clear goals and continuous monitoring are required. In addition to continuous personal feedback, an annual climate report can provide an overview of how well the company is doing with its climate goals and inspire further action!

Besides reviewing its own climate policy, an effective way to make a difference is to ask suppliers to showcase their own climate work and policies - this way, we can influence the entire value chain and ultimately contribute to a more climate-friendly industry! For examples on concrete actions that can be included we have put toghether a list of examples here. Would you like help putting a climate policy in place? Contact us to schedule a meeting!