Renewable and Fossil-free Electricity

The most important action you can take to reduce your company's electricity emissions is to choose energy from renewable sources. Renewable electricity is generated from sources that are naturally replenished and are not at risk of depletion in the foreseeable future. These sources include solar and wind. Water has previously been considered a renewable source of energy but due to its environmental impact it has been removed from this category.
Power grid

Last updated: 2024-05-13

Benefits of Renewable Electricity

In 2022, 61 % of the global electricity supply came from fossil fuels. We need to stop the dependency on fossil fuels in order to stand a chance at turning things around and not go too far above the 1.5 degree limit. A great replacement of fossil energy is renewable and fossil-free electricity (the main source for the latter being hydroelectric and nuclear power). Renewable and fossil-free electricity are often referred to as 'green electricity,' but here we have chosen to divide them into two separate categories since their impact on climate and environment can differ significantly. Renewable energy is far more beneficial from an environmental perspective than fossil-free energy, but the latter still has less environmental and climate impact than energy produced from fossil fuels.

Benefits of Renewable and Fossil-Free Electricity

Climate-Friendly Options: Unlike fossil fuels, renewable and fossil-free sources produce much lower greenhouse gas emissions. Economical Advantage: In some countries, like the Nordics where much of the electricity is renewable due to hydropower, electricity prices are generally lower compared to other parts of Europe. Reduced Environmental Impact: Using renewable energy and nuclear power (which is carbon-free but not renewable) results in fewer emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which contribute to acidification and health problems.

Origin Labeling and Guarantees

To ensure that your electricity comes from renewable or fossil-free sources, origin labeling and guarantees are essential. These allow you, as a consumer, to easily identify the source of your electricity, enabling informed choices. By choosing energy from power companies that offer electricity labeled with acknowledged environmental certifications, you support not only low climate impact but also responsible use of natural resources.

Importance of Reducing Electricity Consumption

It is important to remember that no energy production is completely environmentally friendly; all forms of electricity production have some form of environmental or climate impact from a life cycle perspective. It should also be noted that the electricity you purchase is not necessarily the electricity that is delivered to your specific property in the end. In some countries there is a connection to a larger international grid, where imports of electricity from fossil sources occur. In other words, everyone has an average climate impact regardless of which electricity they purchase. Therefore, one of the most environmentally friendly actions is to reduce total electricity consumption.

We have gathered some tips on how to tips on how to run your business more climate-smart, see the video here!

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