
Våra noggrant utvalda projekt har som huvudsakligt syfte att minska utsläpp av växthusgaser, exempelvis genom att bidra till omställningen till förnyelsebar energi. Projekten certifieras av strikta standarder, framför allt Gold Standard, och granskas regelbundet av oberoende tredje part.


Projekt finansierade

994 484

Undvikna ton

1 523


Här gör vi klimatnytta

Clean Cooking for households in Somalia

Clean Cooking for households in Somalia

10 000 CO2e

This project deploys highly efficient improved cookstoves reducing woody biomass consumption for households in urban and peri-urban areas of Somalia.

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Våra projekt

Clean Cooking for households in Somalia

Clean Cooking for households in Somalia

10 000 CO2e

This project deploys highly efficient improved cookstoves reducing woody biomass consumption for households in urban and peri-urban areas of Somalia.

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Clean cooking stoves Zambia VPA 3

Clean cooking stoves Zambia VPA 3

10 176 CO2e

This project improves health conditions and quality of life on top of fighting climate change in Zambian households. Consumption of local wood fuel is reduced by up to 70% with these cookstoves.

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Clean cooking stoves Zambia VPA 1

Clean cooking stoves Zambia VPA 1

14 824 CO2e

This project improves health conditions and quality of life on top of fighting climate change in Zambian households. Consumption of local wood fuel is reduced by up to 70% with these cookstoves.

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WWF Meigu High Efficient Cook Stove Project

WWF Meigu High Efficient Cook Stove Project

7 946 CO2e

Inefficient built-in stoves for cooking and heating are being reconstructed into being 70% more efficient. This contributes to decreasing deforestation and protecting a giant panda habitat.

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Thanh Hai Wind Power Project

Thanh Hai Wind Power Project

13 000 CO2e

Vietnam’s reliance on fossil fuels for electricity is being challenged by renewable projects like the Wind Power Plant Thanh Hai. Located in Thanh Hai commune, Thanh Phu district, Ben Tre province, this offshore wind farm has a total capacity of 110 MW and an annual electricity output of 356.95 GWh.

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Clean cooking stoves Zambia VPA 3

Clean cooking stoves Zambia VPA 3

20 000 CO2e

This project improves health conditions and quality of life on top of fighting climate change in Zambian households. Consumption of local wood fuel is reduced by up to 70% with these cookstoves.

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Henan Funiushan Solar Cooker Project

Henan Funiushan Solar Cooker Project

1 410 CO2e

This project has enabled the rural households to efficiently substitute fossil fuel (coal) used in daily cooking and water boiling with solar energy, avoiding CO2 emission that would be generated by the burning of fossil fuels.

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WWF Meigu High Efficient Cook Stove Project

WWF Meigu High Efficient Cook Stove Project

524 CO2e

Inefficient built-in stoves for cooking and heating are being reconstructed into being 70% more efficient. This contributes to decreasing deforestation and protecting a giant panda habitat.

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Så här funkar det

  • Projektens huvudsakliga syfte är att minska utsläpp av växthusgaser, exempelvis genom att bidra till omställningen till förnyelsebar energi.

  • Varje år som projekten är i drift mäts de undvikna utsläppen i koldioxidekvivalenter och dessa köper vi som klimatkrediter. Klimatnyttan kan alltså inte bli ogjord senare.

  • Vi väljer ut de projekt som gör störst marginalnytta. Det kan exempelvis vara projekt i länder med stort beroende av fossilbränslen där förnyelsebar energi gör stor skillnad.

  • Projekten bidrar utöver klimatnyttan till lokal hållbar utveckling, exempelvis genom att erbjuda arbetstillfällen eller förbättrad luftkvalitet.

  • Projekten certifieras av strikta standarder, bland annat Gold Standard, och granskas regelbundet av oberoende tredje part.
